How to turn off arbalest in darkest dungeon
How to turn off arbalest in darkest dungeon

You don't need a fourth mark but if you want one you can have one, if not maybe you'd prefer Bola or rallying flare. Battlefield Bandage will counter act the Occultist bleed, blindfire in case of a shuffle, main attack for mark boost, and last is personal preference. Give him his mark, heal, and the other 2 are personal preference. You're moves here are rather unrestricted but I would recommend target whistle, blackjack, single target damage, and lastly either the guard or AoE bleed.įurther back, a healer, some disagree but I say a team is incomplete without one. (All optional except the first.)īehind the bounty hunter is a houndmaster. He will be running his basic melee, his mark, stun melee, and upper cut. The only possible front lineman here is a bounty hunter, though definitely not 100% optimal it's the only option.

how to turn off arbalest in darkest dungeon

The characters that can use it are the bounty hunter, arbalest, Occultist, and Houndmaster so let's make a team with one of each built around Marks.

how to turn off arbalest in darkest dungeon

Mark is a very powerful ability allowing some attacks bonus damage of up to 75%.

How to turn off arbalest in darkest dungeon